Farmville2 BgInfo : August 16 2022

From August 16 2022 to August 30 2022 you can perform quests Comic Lovers Unite.
Hey! I'm looking for some comic books and looks like I'm hitting dead ends everywhere! I found this amazing comic series but alas, they're an incomplete set! So, I'm organizing FarmVille's first ever Comic Meet Up in the hopes of completing the set! First off, I need to finish all my pending chores! Will you help me out? You can read more about Quest Guide Comic Lovers Unite and hints in the next pictures.Comic Lovers Unite! 1/8: Completing Chores!
Comic Lovers Unite! 2/8: Matter Of Art!
Comic Lovers Unite! 3/8: Barn Fixes!
Comic Lovers Unite! 4/8: Timing Bell!
Comic Lovers Unite! 5/8: Dressing Up!
Comic Lovers Unite! 6/8: Self-Care Tricks!
Comic Lovers Unite! 7/8: Hello Aloe!
Comic Lovers Unite! 8/8: Collectors Care!
Recipes in quests Comic Lovers Unite

Badges in quests Comic Lovers Unite

August 16 2022 to August 30 2022Farmville 2 Bring In The Buffalos
August 16 2022 to August 30 2022