Farmville2 BgInfo : November 23 2021
From November 23 2021 to December 07 2021 you can perform quests Renovation Supreme.
Did you hear? The critics gave the B&B a bad review in my absence! Ever since Walter became County Treasurer, I haven't been able to look after the B&B. I must prove the crititcs wrong and make my B&B even better than it was! Can you help? I need the most gorgeous flowers to deck up my B&B! I heard you've got Monarch Rose Mallows? You can read more about Quest Guide Renovation Supreme and hints in the next pictures.Renovation Supreme! 1/8: The Mallow Monarch!
Renovation Supreme! 2/8: Cutting Edge!
Renovation Supreme! 3/8: The Floral Decorum!
Renovation Supreme! 4/8: Rock, Paper, Medallion!
Renovation Supreme! 5/8: Stuffy Situation!
Renovation Supreme! 6/8: A Box for a Monarch!
Renovation Supreme! 7/8: A Flight of Fancy!
Renovation Supreme! 8/8: Of-Corsage You Can!
Recipes in quests Renovation Supreme
Badges in quests Renovation Supreme
Farmville 2 Flying HighNovember 23 2021 to December 07 2021