Farmville2 BgInfo : January 04 2021

From January 05 2021 to January 19 2021 you can perform quests Building Our Love.
Hey! Did you hear about Rusty's Farmusement Park? Well, I was thinking about it and it gave me an idea! Sally was telling me how much she loved Ferris Wheels and I wanted to build one for her, but had no idea where. My Mom had asked me to pick up some wheat but I want to start doing some research on the Ferris Wheel. Can you help me out? You can read more about Quest Guide Building Our Love and hints in the next pictures.Building Our Love! 1/8: I Can't Wheat For This!
Building Our Love! 2/8: Why So Blue?
Building Our Love! 3/8: A Team Effort!
Building Our Love! 4/8: Yes, I Wheel!
Building Our Love! 5/8: Helping Out!
Building Our Love! 6/8: Tough Cookies, Don't Crumble!
Building Our Love! 7/8: Please Have A Seat.
Building Our Love! 8/8: Berry Nervous!
Recipes in quests Building Our Love

Badges in quests Building Our Love

January 05 2021 to January 19 2021